woman standing writing on black chalkboard

Free Quality Education for Every Student

Join us in providing free, 1:1, quality tutoring and enrichment for students of all backgrounds and ages. Whether a student wants to accelerate their STEM skills or improve in a class they are struggling in, STEMentors is committed to providing quality education to all.

Quality Education Access

We provide free personalized tutoring and enrichment to students of all ability levels, ensuring quality education for all in our community.

person using MacBook Pro
person using MacBook Pro
boy writing
boy writing
Personalized Tutoring

For any students that would like extra help, our dedicated tutors offer free, virtual, 1:1 sessions that are tailored to each student's unique learning needs and goals.

Enrichment Programs

Any student interested in a STEM subject who wants to expand their knowledge can apply for our free virtual enrichment programs. Check out our programs to see what courses we offer! Recommended prerequisites for each program vary.

Community Impact

Hear from those we've helped through our educational programs.

I love the program! I often don't understand the material I'm learning at school or lose my way through the process. STEMentors gives me a chance to try again at the material. It helps me learn everything with a clearer mind and revise over the important details

We were new to the city when we discovered your program. The program and the mentor have been incredibly helpful in supporting my daughter's education. I have noticed significant improvement in her math skills, and even her school and teachers have acknowledged her progress and are pleased with her performance
